Sunday 28 November 2010

College Magazine


One of my weaknesses from my college magazine front cover was that the photos taken were not of good quality, I need more experience in photography and also to not rush my work as the end result is blurry photos.
The second weakness is that I didn’t have a great verity in fonts; Photoshop has only a limitation of fonts which affected my magazine.

Lastly I think one main weakness is that I didn’t pick more eye catching colours instead I used black. This resulted in my magazine front cover to look bland.


One of my strengths from my college magazine front cover was that I blended the two images well together; it really gives the magazine a more professional outlook.
The second strength is that the images I took were clear and bright, although I don’t have great experience with taking photos I still think it came out well.
Lastly I think the characters of the words are well pronounced.

Saturday 27 November 2010

College Content Page



One of my weaknesses from my college magazine content page was that the photos were not blended in well; I wanted to make it look like the photo was faded but unfortunately it ended up looking rushed.
 The second weakness is that the photo I included could have been bigger.
Lastly I think I should have picked a different font for ‘Content’ unfortunately my font were limited due to me using Photoshop.

One of my strengths from my college magazine content page was that the black characters come out on the blue background and the black writing are more noticeable.
The second strength is that the images I took were clear and bright, although I don’t have great experience with taking photos I still think it came out well.
 Lastly I think it is well layout also the way it is presented is eye catching; with the bright colours, bold writing etc.